#50Days50Ways - #48 - Upgrading Springbrook’s Centenary Park

We were so excited to work with Springbrook State School (SSS) and the Springbrook Mountain Community Association (SMCA) on the upgrade to Centenary Park in 2023.

Quite a number of the several dozen students from SSS wrote to us with suggestions for the park and we consulted residents at multiple SMCA committee meetings. As well as the whole of city renewal funds, $50,000 was allocated from local area works. the project was delivered and is enjoyed by residents now, and particularly on ANZAC Day when the adjacent cenotaph hosts a poignant dawn and morning service, in partnership with SMCA.

It's another example of working with the community to deliver great new playgrounds. We can't do every playground every year, but 2023 was Springbrook's turn! A great outcome!

(pic: under construction )


#50Days50Ways - #47 - Upgrading the Mudgeeraba Aquatic Centre


#50Days50Ways - #49 - Reduce impact of DFV with MATE bystander Program