#50Days50Ways - #34 - Supporting the Gold Coast Techspace

Some years ago we had a small library in the Old Post Office, and according to the data it attracted about 70 regular borrowers each year. With only a few thousand books it was an inefficient use of a community space and cost the ratepayer a not insignificant amount due to the labour for a librarian and some of the necessary library technology.

Council made the decision to redeploy the library resources into the Robina centre and deliver a series of improved Mobile Library Services (that visits throughout the hinterland) and library kiosks (one of which is now at the Mudgeeraba Community Centre!)

In place of the library, we found a new home for the Gold Coast TechSpace, who have a group of about 900 members who participate to varying extents in 3D printing, robotics, technology entrepreneurism, minor electrical and mechanical training, and even a popular program called "kidhack". Just the other day I visited an engaging session on AI and different applications, partnering with Amazon Web Services.

If you want to find out more you can visit their open night every Wednesday https://www.meetup.com/gctechspace/events/299075269/

We've been proud to support the Gold Coast Techspace in their pursuits and see them activate an important little space in the Village bringing a positive social and economic impact to our area.

#Vote1Tozer #division9GC


#50Days50Ways - #33 - Delivering transparency about the budget and our local priorities, informed by resident surveys.


#50Days50Ways - #35 - Supporting the Active Schools Travel program reducing congestion around local schools