#50Days50Ways - #35 - Supporting the Active Schools Travel program reducing congestion around local schools

Our Active School Travel (AST) program is a free program for Gold Coast primary schools. Schools that join the program receive a suite of resources including free toolkits, incentives and support to enable students, parents, carers and teachers to:

1. re-mode by swapping the car for walking, wheeling and public transport

2. reduce car trips by carpooling or combining trips

3. re-route to take a slightly different route to avoid congested roads

4. re-time school-related trips, consider dropping children earlier or picking them up later.

Over the past years, many of our local schools have participated and we've seen healthier kids, reduced congestion, safer school car parks.

Because every year we get new cohorts of parents and students, the program is important to continue on a rotating cycle, educating local parents and children that we're not "caught in traffic"... we ARE traffic! Helping the community to adjust their schedules to turn up to school a little earlier, ride and scoot, or catch the bus can be great ways to make our rides more efficient and safer.

I'll be proud to continue supporting the Active School Travel program if re-elected on March 16.

#Vote1Tozer #division9GC


#50Days50Ways - #34 - Supporting the Gold Coast Techspace


#50Days50Ways - #36 - Delivering the Gilston shops